You want to grow your business
You want to have more fun
And you want it to be easy
I work with a lot of people who don’t have a clear idea of what they actually want or need help with. If this sounds like you, it's likely you've looked into using a life coach or a therapist.
Benefits of coaching:
help you to get clarity
understand your situation better
Life coaching is being used more and more by people from all walks of life, particularly in the workplace. I help people make rapid changes in their life in just a few session.
Coaching allows you to look at where you are right now and where you want to be in the future. It allows you to consider what is holding you back and what needs to change for you to move forward.
Coaching also helps to identify strengths as well as areas that need improvement, whilst also helping you to make better decisions and identify solutions.
Coaching helps with career advancement, increased productivity and performance, stress management, confidence building, improved communication skills, and improved relationships (personal or professional).
Benefits of hypnotherapy:
Get to the root cause (the real reason you’re stuck)
Remove the limiting beliefs
Remove the trauma or unhelpful patterns that are keeping you stuck.
A therapist also helps you figure out where you want to go in life, but the journey looks very different. A life coach might teach you about time management skills and give you a few tips on how to be more productive. With Rapid Transformational Therapy a therapist will get to the root cause you're not being productive in the first place. Perhaps it's because of an underlying trauma or unhelpful patterns of thinking that are keeping you stuck.
The difference between coaching and therapy is subtle but important.
A hypnotherapist may not have the most experience helping you strategize what to actually work on, so it’s better if you go to them with a very clear and specific problem and a clear desired outcome.
Someone who only does coaching can help you get clarity and strategize, however, may not be qualified to help you break through the most important thing in your success which is changing your limiting beliefs.
So it depends on where you’re at. So a combination of both is really powerful.
Powerful transformation happens on all three (the subconscious, conscious and superconscious aka soul level)
If you’re interested in getting laser clarity on why you’re stuck, what you want next, and want to get a big breakthrough in your life, your relationships, or your business book your first session here.