When I decided to take my hypnotherapy biz full time I got a coach. I was so motivated!
I became a coffee addict boss babe and proud of it!
My mom told me, Don't work so hard. Relax, go for a walk and have some fun. 'Okay, I said, I will just as soon as my business is up and running and successful, then I will take time off and we can take a nice trip.'
Three months went by and the coaching program ended. I still had a massive list of things to do so I got busy with the checklists and the FB groups and the chatbots and the marketing tactics... I got new clients, and my business grew, but I was exhausted. I was stuck in a cycle of working hard to make money just to spend and lose it all because I was burnt out.
I needed a change so I got another biz coach. I got new strategies, a better plan. She showed me that I just needed to change what I was doing. This would make it all easier. Nope. Another year in the same cycle.
I was so ashamed because here I was, the expert at helping people see their blindspots... but I couldn't see mine. And I was too embarrassed to talk about it or ask for help. Why is this so hard? I got the biz coaches, I got the systems... Why does this suck so much?’
My friend saw my frustration and invited me to a women's retreat, to which I responded, 'Sounds nice, but I don't have time or money to spend a week sitting around with women relaxing. Maybe after I get more clients.'
I knew in my heart that my next level of success was going to come from doing the inner work, improving my mindset and my energy. But, when I looked at my bank account I couldn’t justify the retreat.
Do you know what they call it when you are doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results??
YEP. That's when it hit me. Hard. I talked it out with my friend who is especially good at seeing where I was tricking myself and trying to rationalize a life and behaviors to protect, rather than serve me.

I wanted a quantum leap.
I needed quantum courage.
I dipped into my line of credit and joined the retreat and surrendered to the sensual, playful curriculum.
We awakened our sexual energy with daily pleasure practice, presence, and intuitive movement. I entered a relaxed awareness where I was finally able to see my blind spots clearly. I had been trying so hard to control everything that I was REPELLING clients, money, success, happiness, and ease.
I was repelling support and people who actually wanted to contribute to my success. I was subscribed to a belief that success had to be hard work, and my life was reflecting it.
I took several doses of my own medicine and began upgrading my belief systems, activating my feminine creative power, and nourishing my body and relaxing my mind for the first time in years.
My first week back to work I had so many people wanting to work with me that I had to create a waitlist for the first time ever!! All of my clients since, have found me by divine connection, mostly by referrals or feeling resonance with my ENERGY.
When I feel inspired, I write and share stories on Facebook and Instagram and I show up as me. No tactics, no systems. Just me. My ease-filled success and full schedule are created on a foundation of pleasure, connection, and self-care.
Anytime I slip into ‘work hard’ mode I can feel things getting jammed up: miscommunications, late payments, scheduling errors, IG algorithm not showing my content. That when I know it’s time to turn inwards, reconnect with my body, turn on my power and make life FEEL GOOD first.
The channels open up when you do the work in the parts of your life that you might think is not relevant to what you want to manifest and create. It’s like feng shui… When you clear clutter and space physically, it brings in good energy. The same goes for your relationships. Tying up loose ends, having difficult conversations, closing open loops, and open projects. It brings in good energy. When doors close, new ones open.
And guess what.. MONEY IS ENERGY.
So when you get rid of self-doubt, resentment, subconscious beliefs, procrastination, bad habits etc.. you are making room for good energy and more of what you want to enter your life -- whether that be money, a loving partner or creative inspiration.
If you want to know where your blind spots are, look at where you are most resistant.
What are you NOT doing? What conversations are you avoiding? Where do you have open loops? Where do you know you *should* be doing something that you are giving excuses like not enough time, not enough money? Where are you playing small, staying with what's familiar instead of having the courage to move forward with your life?
Life is always giving you EXACTLY what you need at the right time. But, you still have free will, and so you can resist, block, and refuse the things you are asking for even when they are right in front of you. So do the things you avoid. Do the things you are afraid of. When you ask for something and it becomes available to you, do it.
Take the leap.
I have helped hundreds of people reclaim their power, and transform their business, relationships, health & life from the inside out. Every single time one of my clients wants to uplevel in any area of their life, their resistance is always pointing to their opportunity for greatest expansion and personal fulfillment.
Would you support to see where you're blindspots are?
Schedule your complimentary Life Direction session to get clarity on where you're at now, what you want, and what's been holding you back.