I use hypnosis and rapid transformational therapy with my clients every day to help them overcome their perceived limitations so they can stop feeling STUCK. I personally use regression with self-hypnosis to better understand my emotions, behaviors and motivations so that I too can overcome emotional triggers and self-destructive habits. (Get the tools, instructions and FREE recordings here)

There are times however when I’m not aware of what I need the hypnosis for, so weeks and even months go by without doing a session for myself. After one such recent gap, I decided to do a self-guided regression session (I made a recording for myself).
I didn’t know what I wanted to work on, but I did it anyways, knowing there is always something to uncover in the subconscious. I put on my headphones, pressed play and allowed myself to sink into a deep relaxation. Although i wasn’t all that surprised by the memories revealed during the regression, I discovered a new interpretation of seemingly ordinary events from a child’s perspective.
I first remembered a scene when I was about two years old, sitting in a walker toy, staring at myself in the mirror. I heard my parents in the other room arguing about money for what felt like hours, while I was all alone in the other room stuck in the corner unable to turn myself around. It was a rather ordinary memory and I don’t recall feeling overly stressed or worried but I was very bored and felt like there was nothing I could do about it.
Second scene I was 5 or 6 standing on a picnic table trying to get my moms attention, asking to go for a walk to get an ice cream and take me to the water park but she was tired, caring for my brother and stressed about my dad not helping her. I distinctly remember pouting and being very dramatic, hoping I could get someone to pay attention to me.
The final scene I was swimming at a busy public pool. I was surrounded by people but I felt very alone. I held my breath underwater for what felt like 5 minutes, face down floating in the pool, and although I wasn’t struggling, nobody came to check on me. I felt like nobody cared if I was alive. Nobody cared about my needs because I wasn’t important. I remember calmly raising my head above the water after what felt like an eternity, looking out at all the people sitting on the grass. I was numb.
Looking over the three scenes I found a common thread that revealed a limiting belief that I didn’t matter and I wasn’t important. And even though I felt happy, i couldn’t make my parents happy, only money could make them happy. I didn’t matter, and money was more important than me. What I wanted didn’t matter, I wasn’t important, and I wasn’t worthy of my desires. I realized that by the age of 10 I had developed an unconscious belief that I don’t matter, my dreams don’t matter and they never would. Hidden deep in my subconscious mind was a belief that I wasn’t important, and nobody cared about what I wanted because I didn’t matter. I wasn’t worthy.
Although these scenes could be interpreted in different ways, a child’s perspective is very different from an adult. So when we go back and reframe these memories and events with great wisdom, we free ourselves from the effects of owning a label or belief like I DON’T MATTER.
I hadn’t even realized how much this limiting belief was affecting my life until after the session. It was holding me back from accomplishing goals, and trying to new things. The self-sabotage prevented me from finishing paintings, taking dance classes and exploring my desires and pleasures. It prevented me from asking for what I want in relationships. It caused me to be anti-social and obsessed with working, feeling like I needed to prove my worth. It made me avoid all situations where I would be the center of attention. I rejected compliments, praise and love. I have generous, beautiful and kind people in my life, and I receive a lot of praise and acknowledgement from clients, friends, and family all the time, but because deep down I didn’t believe I was worthy, receiving acknowledgements made my stomach turn and I’d feel terribly uncomfortable. It suddenly became so clear and obvious why I was playing small!
I felt an immediate relief as I followed the steps to change the story and upgrade the inner child (unconscious). And I made myself a custom hypnosis recording to deeply ingrain the new beliefs that I MATTER.
I felt a massive weight lift and I’m now more focused, clear minded, and excited to share more of myself with the world. I completed more important projects in the last 5 days than I did all summer.
Even though I facilitate these transformations every day, it continues to amaze me just how powerful the mind. I am grateful for the tools that allow me to harness that power and direct it with purpose.
Get the tools, instructions and recordings here. It's all FREE!
I wish to share these tools with as many people as possible because it truly is life-changing. Please share this post so that we can help more people who are feeling stuck in negative thought patterns so they too can learn how to overcome self-sabotage, procrastination and harness the power of the mind.
Love, Sol xx