There is no point in trying to create something NEW while struggling with the same old thinking, habits and behaviors that got you where you are in the first place. It'll only leave you feeling frustrated, disappointed and reinforces your belief that it’s hard to get what you want.
there’s an easier way…
After just our first RTT session I experienced profound transformation. To my pleasant surprise I actually found clarity that was extremely similar to plant medicine work but without the anxieties that can come up! One session with Sol felt like a decade of therapy.
-Spencer Angelski, Performing Arts
There is LITERALLY no other way of describing what she does than Quantum. I have had standard hypnotherapy and alllll sorts of things before to try to work through my self-sabotage blocks. Within probably one or two sessions she's lasered down all the chains, got me out of the boxes, out of the cupboard, knocked DOWN the cupboard and I've walked so far away from the cupboard at this point this week that the cupboard is a DOT to me (Friends fans will get the reference)
- Danielle Chivers, Holistic Coach
Sol has helped me change habits I thought I’d never be able to get rid of. I’ve tried many different methods and her technique freed me from years of suffering in a matter of moments. She’s gifted, highly skilled, and I trust her tremendously. My life has been forever altered for the better, I’m honored to continue this work with her!!! I got results very quickly, and continue to get more clarity each day. Thank you Sol for your incredible dedication!!
-Sara Lurie, Artist
"Working with Sol has been deeply powerful, the sessions have been super intense and not what I expected at all. I have begun to feel so much freer and more ready to use my voice in a very relaxed and centered way and that's feeling powerful. I am so happy that I did this work, thank you."
-Carrie L.
(continued below...)
Tell me if this sounds familiar...
Do you second-guess yourself and doubt your decisions over and over again?
Do you play small or hold back because you are afraid people will judge you?
Do you procrastinate and ignore things you know you need to do?
Do you find it hard to keep a positive mindset because of the pressure to be perfect?
Do you take care of everyone else and tend to lose yourself in relationships?
Do you feel stuck, and you don't know why?

If you said yes to more than one of the above, then you’re in the right place.

Many extraordinary people struggle to find success, happiness, and love... not because there is something wrong with you, or your morning routine --but because you are telling a terribly unhelpful story.
I can help you change that very easily.
Stop Procrastination
End Anxiety and Stress
Confidence Expressing Yourself
Relationships and Sexuality
Deepening Intimacy
Public Speaking
Overcome Lack Mentality
End Codepedency
Quit Smoking or Drinking
Weight Loss
Quantum Leap $2000 for one month of powerful support and transformation. It is a prerequisite for Big Magic, a program to take you even deeper into

and is by invitation only.
Sol is an amazing teacher! If you are lucky you find a teacher that reminds you of what you are capable of…that you can run through walls and then shows you how! Whether it comes to helping change habits, teaching you to focus, or a change in perspective I would be surprised if there is a problem that she can’t help you with. I cannot imagine a better person to help teach you to write your own story. I am extremely grateful for crossing paths with her and all that she has taught me.
-Shaju Jacob, Attorney
"I went to Sol for help with my procrastination, which was a huge stress in my life. The work we did has made a huge difference. Suddenly I am more productive, more creative and more driven to do so many things that I only dreamt of before.”
- Breanna H., Designer
"I've done a lot of healing and work the last few years. Plant medicine, therapy etc. I've also spent over 15 years of my life working in sales, business and coaching - I know a good communicator, and a good practitioner when I see one. Sol is one of the best, most to-the-point, well spoken and artistically balanced people I've worked with. And her medicine is profound. If you bring trust, openness and patience to her sessions - you will get buckets of healing in return. Sol and her work took me completely by surprise, and I recommend her to each and everyone of you.
- Lars Eriko, Musician
I was a mess when I started working with Sol. I was working part time at an office while trying to grow my business but everything felt like a struggle. I was constantly busy trying to do every kind of marketing but nothing seemed to take off. I was completely burnt out. What I thought I needed was more time, more money and a babysitter….
I was completely blown away when Sol helped me see how I was sabotaging myself and blocking my own success. She helped me quickly change my habits and subconscious beliefs, prioritize my life and she showed me how to actually enjoy self care. I did Sol’s Quantum Leap program and she showed me how to transform things I didn’t even know were holding me back. I quit my job, my business is thriving and my life will never be the same.
I can’t thank you enough
- Tracy V
"Sol took me through a process where she asked me a series of questions, pointing out unhealthy patterns I have been replaying over and over again in my life. It's not like I wasn't aware of them, as I've been in therapy for years trying to heal my relationship issues, but my work with Sol was different, and I was finally able to heal that part of myself that just didn't want to let go of the unhealthy beliefs. I am now looking at my life with a completely different perspective. I could never have imagined I could be this at peace and in love with my life."
- Sandrine, Financial Advisor
"It's incredible the powder our brains have over our lives! Working with Sol has been amazing, she understands things on a deep level and helped direct me to get out of my own way.
Every day since my first session I'm noticing new shiny ways my brain is working FOR me. The drama in my head disappeared and the personal hypnosis blew up so many other underlying narratives in my head. I would recommend Sol and her services to any human with goals and a head that gets in the way of them! 10/5 stars! "
-Maddie Axford, Nutritionist.
Sol is literally the MAGIC woman! She's the most incredible RTT hypnotherapist-Blocks-busting-Shaman-Kick-ass-Business-Coach EVER. I mean how you even FIND someone with that unique combo of skills?!
When I had my initial discovery call and she mentioned about this 'quantum leap' programme I have to admit I was pretty skeptical - I just couldn't grasp what quantum meant - but something in me (after a fair bit of mulling it over) decided to go with it. Oh. My. Actual. God.
There is LITERALLY no other way of describing what she does than Quantum. I have had standard hypnotherapy and alllll sorts of things before to try to work through my self-sabotage blocks and I'd been able to put tiny pieces of writing and small, tiny, hidden business offerings out but it always felt like a HERCULEAN effort and then I'd fall back into feeling completely wracked with self-doubt and really deep fears of being seen and I'd basically not share anything I'd created with anyone. It was exhausting and soul-destroying.
We joked in our first session that it was like I was hiding in a box, that was inside another box that had chains around it and then was inside a locked cupboard. Well let me tell you. Within probably one or two sessions she's lasered down all the chains, got me out of the boxes, out of the cupboard, knocked DOWN the cupboard and I've walked so far away from the cupboard at this point this week that the cupboard is a DOT to me (Friends fans will get the reference)
I've re-launched my holistic coaching business, but even more miraculously launched a BLOG (I've always wanted to put my writing out there) and stuck to a weekly schedule of blog posts since launching, and I'm about to launch a 7 week Goddess Transformative Programme. See? QUANTUM. I don't know what else to say other than if you're wondering whether to book - JUST. DO. IT.
- Danielle Chivers, Holistic Empowerment Coach
I’ve been working with Sol for about two months now and I can honestly say it’s been one of the most transformative experiences I’ve ever had! After being in traditional therapy on and off for the past 10 years (a few times working with plant medicine) I was still clinging onto self destructive behaviors and thinking. After just our first RTT session I experienced profound transformation. To my pleasant surprise I actually found clarity that was extremely similar to plant medicine work but without the anxieties that can come up!
One session with Sol felt like a decade of therapy. I also really love that she allows me to have my process but also keeps me accountable. Honestly I think I wasted a lot of money all those years and wish I’d discovered this form of therapy and this gem of a human way sooner. THANK YOU Sol!!!
Spencer Angelski, Actress and Musician
the living narrative approach
Unlike traditional coaching which only works with the conscious mind, we transform you at the conscious AND subconscious level. We use the combined power of Integrative Coaching and Rapid Transformational Therapy to rip out and reprogram your beliefs for good.
Each program is custom-tailored to help you solve your most pressing issues and give you the freedom you've been looking for. You’ll get weekly heart-centered coaching support, transformation, and guidance that will change your life forever.
Who is this for?
QUANTUM LEAP is for high-achievers who are 100% ready to stop suffering from the same hidden blocks, never-ending challenges, pain, and fear that keeps them from creating a loving, successful, and fulfilling life.
If you are looking to increase your capacity for pleasure, confidence and success so that you can be on purpose, have deeply fulfilling relationships & enjoy your orgasmic existence, then this might be for you!
Confidence, self-worth, money blocks, procrastination, anxiety, public speaking, weightloss, addiction, depression...these are just a handful of the areas that can be completely transformed.
Clients experience things like:
Massively upgraded self-confidence and self-esteem
New business opportunities and greater financial freedom
More fulfilling relationships with family and romantic partners
Greater energy, stamina, and focus in daily and professional life
Freedom from depression and anxiety
Dramatic weight loss and changes in diet and exercise
Relief from painful physical symptoms caused by illness
Still have a question?

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a powerful, fast and effective therapy which uncovers the root cause of issues and frees you from self-defeating beliefs and patterns.
We then create and embed new, more beneficial, healthy beliefs and thought patterns, to produce permanent life-changing results, carving new neural pathways in the brain, reinforcing your powerful new belief systems and allowing you to heal so you can finally live your ideal life.
RTT has an exceptionally high success rate in treating weight loss, anxiety, depression, confidence issues and low self-esteem, addictions, as well as IBS and other physical dis-ease of the body and mind.