sol st. germaine
The story you tell becomes the life you live
3-6 month transformation
This program isn't a diet or workout plan.
Discover the unconscious patterns that have been keeping you stuck and in pain (in spite of all the diets, exercise, and inner work you’ve been doing on yourself) and release them for good so that you can finally move on with your life.
+ Heal Addictions (emotional eating, drinking, smoking and other destructive habits, etc)
+ Heal Your Body (weight loss, skin conditions, arthritis, back pain, migraines)
+ Heal Your Gut (Digestive issues, IBS, food intolerances)
+ Heal Your Mind and Emotions (Anxiety, Depression, Stress)
You deserve to feel amazing in your body and experience more pleasure, passion and joy every single day.
This program will completely transform and heal your body from the inside out, reconnect you with the innate wisdom of your body, and amplify your spirit so you can get turned on by your life.
love Story
3-6 month transformation
This is for the woman who is ready for BIG LOVE in every area of her life. Whether you want to call in your beloved or deepen intimacy in your current relationship, it all starts with you.
Learn how to tune into your own wisdom and pleasure so that you can understand your needs, wants and desires, and communicate them.
Put an end to people-pleasing so that you have more time and awareness of what actually makes you happy. When you start to do what's right for YOU in your life, career, and relationships, your energy shifts and you'll feel more joy, pleasure, and personal power.
Heal shame and activate your sexual center so you can nourish and feel more in tune with yourself, and your partner so you can experience deep levels of ecstatic bliss.
You'll feel radiant, magnetic, and massively increase your pleasure, joy, power, and confidence so you can have deeply fulfilling juicy relationships and live an orgasmic existence.
A love beyond your wildest dreams is waiting for YOU.
12 week transformation
This program that uncovers, reprograms and upgrades the subconscious beliefs of high-achievers who want to crush self-doubt, feel confident and make more money.
Whether you are brand new to business or established and ready to grow, Worth to Wealth will up-level your success and give you the habits and mindset of the world's happiest and most successful people.
+ Get clear on the priorities that are right for YOU and finally put an end to procrastination!!
+ Close the gap between your soul calling and your reality so that anxiety is a thing of the past. No more Imposter Syndrome.
+ Create structure and cultivate self-discipline the easy way - hello hypnotherapy - so that you can reach your goals.
+ Trust yourself to do what you say you are going to do.